by Arte
Nataliya Chernakova. 20° premio Cairo – The new talents of Contemporary Art

by Arte
Video by Musei Civici Bassano del Grappa
Beatrice Burati Anderson is pleased to invite you to ArtVerona #backtoitaly 15th edition – Pavilion 12, Booth I1
by Contessanally blogspot
by Exibart
by Contessanally Blogspot
by Vanity Fair
by Hestetika
From Friday March 22nd to Sunday 24th, Venice will be animated by a seriers of special events and openings at all the galleries that are part of Venice Galleries View. The aim is to highlight the strong bond that elapses between the galleries, which have woven a network of partnership in order to enhance the cultural landscape as well as to sustain the art market in Venice.