A cura di Beatrice Burati Anderson
WATER / MATER, second exhibition of the Elements Series, a wider project happening once a year as part of the program of the gallery, opened to the public on September 22, featuring a work by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, along with the works of architect Maurice Nio, which will be presented to the public on November 24 during the very much frequented finissage of the Venice Biennale of Architecture. The exhibition is curated by Beatrice Burati Anderson and inspired from the discoveries of the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto: the water molecules are sensitive to the emotional vibrations transmitted through sound (and not only), and they become harmonized if exposed to love words. The consciousness of this truth was present since the times of Hippocrates and constitutes the foundations of homeopathy, but it became visible and has been disclosed only at the beginnings of the third Millenium thanks to Doctor Emoto’s researches.
Photographing water molecules at -5 degrees of temperature, he documented the creation of wonderful crystals, or at the contrary, chaotic and desegregated, according to the words to which they were exposed. This means that the implications of this discovery are very outstanding, as we consider that human beings are made of water in the percentage of 70% . The reason of the choice of Yoko Ono and John Lennon is in their evident consciousness of this, and in their unceasing attempt to spread love vibrations into the world, with all means.
On show an exceptional artwork, the mythical Bag One, a corpus of fourteen erotic lithographs made by John during his honeymoon, and given to Yoko as his wedding gift to her.
The participation of Maurice Nio to this exhibition, presenting a major sculpture and also videos and architectural projects, is due to his very unique approach to architecture, art and life, which considers a wider part of reality, including its invisible elements before coming to form. Furthermore, Architect Nio is a strong supporter of Doctor Emoto’s discoveries, as he explains in his book “Supersensitivity in Architecture”.
Mr.Nio’s show will officially open on November 24, on the occasion of the finissage of the Biennale of Architecure, with a very special event of presentation of Dark Matter together with a lectio magistralis about Mr. Nio’s work and vision.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue featuring an introduction essay by art critic Achille Bonito Oliva.
“Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is a blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single positive thought. All it takes is faith, if you’re open to it.”
Love and Gratitude
Thank you
I can't do it
Amazing Grace
I can do it
Section 2 - Maurice Nio
Elevation 1 - Maurice Nio
ale Mirror - Maurice Nio
he Haunted Low Lands - Maurice Nio
Section 4 - Maurice Nio
Dark Matter – The Totem - Maurice Nio
Section 3 - Maurice Nio
Elevation 3 - Maurice Nio
Roof Plan - Maurice Nio
Day-Glo L.A. - Maurice Nio
Site Plan - Maurice Nio
Cavallo nero - Maurice Nio
Dark matter - Maurice Nio
Section 1 - Maurice Nio
Elevation 2 - Maurice Nio
Fifty Shades of White - Maurice Nio
Maurice Nio (1959) si è laureato nel 1988 presso la Facoltà di Architettura della University of Technology di Delft con il progetto per una villa per Michael Jackson, il più singolare progetto di tesi di quell’anno. Tale progetto è stato di vitale importanza per la formazione del suo modo di lavorare ibrido. Attraverso un misto di processi mentali al tempo stesso mitologici e pragmatici, di strategie di lavoro criptiche e allo stesso tempo completamente trasparenti, ha realizzato progetti con BDG Architekten Ingenieurs (1991-1996), come ad esempio l’enorme inceneritore di rifiuti aviTwente. Dal 2000 opera con il proprio studio NIO architecten (www.nio.nl).
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